Portfolio Categories documentary
Henning Brümmer ist Kameramann für Dokumentarfilm, Spielfilm und Werbung; Lichtsetzender Kameramann für Konzert-, Opern-, Ballett- und Theateraufzeichnungen; Lichtdesigner für Konzertaufzeichnungen und TV Shows und Dozent für Bildgestaltung, Kamera- und Lichtworkshops.
Henning Brümmer, Bruemmer, Berlin, Dokumentarfilm, Doku, Dokumentation, Spielfilm, Serie, Werbung, Image, Imagefilm, Lichtsetzender Kameramann, Lichtdesign, Bildgestaltung, Bildregie, director of photography, Werner Herzog, the white diamond, the killers, deutscher Kamerapreis
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300 Trillion – The Debt Trap

written and directed by: Rudolph Herzog
dop: Henning Brümmer
editor: Barbara Zosel
composer: Friederike Bernhardt
1.AC: Johanna Jannsen


The world is addicted to debt. On the one hand you have states, companies and private individuals who can’t get enough of the sweet drug of money, using it to finance generous tax giveaways, loss-making business operations and overpriced real estate. On the other side are the creditors, who are no less hungry for interest-bearing securities.

Werner Herzog – Radical Dreamer

a film by: Thomas von Steinaecker
cinematography: Henning Brümmer
editor: Volker Schaner


Presented by Wavelength
Produced by 3B-Produktion and Spring Films
In Association with Hot Docs Partners
In co-production with ZDF
In collaboration with Arte
With the support of DFFF, FFA and FFF
German theatrical distribution by RealFiction


The man who had a 320-ton steamboat hauled over a steep hill in Peru, who hypnotizes his actors, climbs down into volcanoes, talks to murderers on death row, cooks and eats his own shoe and was shot at. He’s the man who lends his voice to The Simpsons, stars in blockbusters such as the Mandalorian and the man – who in a sort of magical act – walked from Munich to Paris to prevent the death of a woman film critic he greatly admired.


It is stories such as these that have made this remarkable director a cult figure the world over.
With exclusive behind-the-scenes access into Herzog’s everyday life, rare archive material and in-depth interviews with the man himself and celebrated collaborators – including Christian Bale, Nicole Kidman, and his wife Lena Herzog – we are given an exciting glimpse into his work process and personal life.


For the first time Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer presents a comprehensive portrait of an iconic artist of our time.


Last Exit: Space

written and directed by: Rudolph Herzog
narrator and executive producer: Werner Herzog
dop: Henning Brümmer
editor: Barbara Zosel
composer: Mona Mur
1.AC: Johanna Jannsen
produced by: Gunpowder and Sky/Taglicht Media/Springfilms for Discovery+ and ZDF/ARTE


Rudolph and Werner Herzog take us on an unforgettable journey into space and living beyond Earth as they look to answer the big question: How close are we to fulfilling our dream of becoming space colonists? Over 7 billion humans walk this earth. Our resources are dwindling. Since time immemorial, we have looked up into the night sky wondering what’s out there in the vast distance of space. There are over 100 billion planets in the Milky way alone. Could one of them be our future home?



ARTE 23.04.22  20.15

Viral Humour

ARTE Dokumentary 52 Min.


director: Rudolph Herzog
dop: Henning Brümmer
production company: Bewegte Zeiten / ARTE


Humour can help us through hard times. A look at the viral videos, songs and sketches that have filled the internet worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic and what this lockdown humour says about us.



Enemy Engagement

director: Heike Bachelier
dop: Henning Brümmer
editor: Katja Dringenberg
producer: HW Pausch, Daniel Petry, Heike Bachelier
production: context TV, Bachelier Filmproduktion, ZDF das kleine Fernsehspiel



  • Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2010
  • 27. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest 2010
  • FILMZ 2010, Festival des deutschen Kinos Mainz, **Publikumspreis*



East Germany 30 years ago, a student asks too many questions, is expelled and ordered to do manual work in a factory. Looking for an intellectual outlet the young man becomes a member of the Protestant Student’s Group (PSG) and airs his opinions. Meanwhile another young man, believing in a socialist society, joins the group to try to educate critical members in the error of their ways. The Stasi recruit this young man as a voluntary operative, codename “Hans Kramer“. When he reports about this one very critical young man, the Stasi order him to befriend this “enemy“ – with life shattering consequences.
The secret Stasi files of this incident and the emotional meeting of both men today unravel a multilayered story of friendship and betrayal, guilt and forgiveness. An era comes alive, a time when the Stasi could wrap their tentacles around every aspect of society and manipulate emotions and feelings to maintain control over the GDR.
A gripping documentary thriller.




The White Diamond

director: Werner Herzog
script: Anette Scheurich, Rudolph Herzog
DoP: Henning Brümmer, Klaus Scheurich
sound: Eric Spitzer
editor: Joe Bini
music: Ernst Reijseger

Produced by Marco Polo Film AG
in coproduction with NDR, NHK, BBC


awards and festivals
* NYFCC Award Best Non-Fiction Film
* best documentary Kopenhagen Dox 2005
* Sheffield Documentary Film Festival 2004
* Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2004
* Taiwan Int. Documentary Festival 2004
* adelaide filmfestival 2005
* belfast film festival 2005
* San Francisco Int’l film festival 2005
* filmforum New York
* Jerusalem International Filmfestival 2006



The New York Times
by J. Hoberman
One of the greatest and most original of documentary filmmakers.”

Time Magazin, June 20 2005
by Richard Corliss
“When the airship finally flies, Dorrington says he is “high on helium,” and in a symphony of pristine images and gorgeous choral music, The White Diamond achieves its own ecstasy.”

A Short History Of Nuclear Folly

director: Rudolph Herzog
DoP: Henning Brümmer
narrator: Eva Mattes
Ilona Grundmann Filmproduktion for ARTE and ZDF Enterprises




In the spirit of “Dr. Strangelove”, the film tells stories such as that of the accidental drop of a nuclear weapon on the house of train conductor Walter Gregg. “We heard a loud boom!”, says his son. “First daddy thought a jet had crashed. But then it turned out that a plane had dropped a nuclear bomb in our backyard”. In similar incidents during the Cold War, 40 nuclear weapons were destroyed or lost. Some of them are not accounted for to this day
Based on Rudolph Herzog’s recent critically acclaimed book, „A Short History of Nuclear Folly“, the film uses recently declassified footage from Russia and the U.S. and interviews with eyewitnesses to illustrate some of the strangest and scariest episodes of the Cold War Era – from the filming of a John Wayne movie in a radioactive canyon, to the loss of four hydrogen bombs in Greenland.


The Killers – unstaged

live concert recording from Paradise Theatre New York
plus 10min documentary

 Werner Herzog
DoP and light design: Henning Brümmer

momentumWW for american express

Cities by the Sea – Hamburg

director: Jan Hinrik Drevs
DoP: Henning Brümmer
editor: Doreen Buchholz
sound: Florian Siegmund
producer: Thomas Wartmann

A Coproduction by Filmquadrat.dok GmbH and ARTE

Water plays an important role in Hamburg. Since medieval times, sea trade has brought the Hanseatic city prosperity, and the river Elbe and Alster lake define the everyday lives of the city’s inhabitants. Despite the fact that its harbour lies 100 kilometres inland, Hamburg is one of the world’s biggest seaports. It also boasts more bridges than Venice and has its own national park in the middle of the North Sea.